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Revised Minimum Documentary and Import Declaration Requirements Policy

Image International wishes to advise that the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment has issued an industry advice notice advising of changes to the minimum documentary and import declaration requirements policy. In 2019, the DAWE initiated a review of this policy to ensure it was reflective of current business practices, legislative requirements and biosecurity risks. This review was conducted in conjunction with industry professionals and has resulted in a number of new requirements of the policy.

Coming into effect on Monday 2nd August 2021, some of the more pertinent changes we would like to bring to your attention are:

  • Any amendments/alterations to documents require certification by way of a stamp. signature and inclusion of the printed name of the employee of the company issuing the document

  • Additional attachments for multi-paged non-government documents are required to meet all of the overarching document requirements

  • Plastic wrapping declarations on fumigation certificates are now replaced by “the target of the fumigation conforms to the plastic wrapping, impervious surface and timber thickness requirements at the time of fumigation, as per Appendix 3 of the Methyl Bromide Fumigation Methodology”.

  • Documents containing conflicting information are not acceptable

  • Company stamps alone are no longer acceptable as endorsement of packing/cleanliness declarations, all must now be endorsed by an employee of the company issuing the packing declaration, including the name and signature of the employee

  • Lot code lists must have company letterhead exporter/importer and numerical linkages

The full details of the changes can be viewed here on the DAWE website.

To assist with the implementation of these new changes, updated templates have also been uploaded to the DAWE website here.

As always. the Image International team is here to assist and will continue to keep our clients well informed to avoid customs and quarantine delays. If you would like to discuss any aspect of these changes in further detail or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at any time.


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